International Exchange
List of Study Abroad Partner Universities
Fuji Women’s University has arranged agreements with foreign universities that allow students, faculty and staff to be involved in international exchange.We have developed these exchanges through students studying abroad with partner universities and by accepting student exchanges.
Universities which we have agreements for study abroad and short-term training with are as follows.
United States of America
- College of Saint Elizabeth
- http://www.cse.edu/
- Benedictine College
- http://www.benedictine.edu/
- Marian University
- http://www.marian.edu/
- Western Washington University
- https://www.wwu.edu/
The United Kingdom
- University of Kent
- http://www.kent.ac.uk/
- University of Leeds
- http://www.leeds.ac.uk/
- Newcastle University
- http://www.ncl.ac.uk/
- University College London(Only a short-term training agreement)
- http://www.ucl.ac.uk/
- Australian Catholic University
- http://www.acu.edu.au/
- Griffith University
- http://www.griffith.edu.au/
- University of Calgary
- http://www.ucalgary.ca/
- MacEwan University
- http://www.macewan.ca/wcm/
The Republic of Korea
- The Catholic University of Korea
- http://www.cuk.ac.kr/
- Myongji University
- http://www.mju.ac.kr/
- Fu Jen Catholic University
- http://www.fju.edu.tw/
The People's Republic of China
- Shanghai International Studies University
- http://www.shisu.edu.cn/
- Miriam College(Only a short-term training agreement)
- http://www.mc.edu.ph/
- Chiang Mai University(Only a short-term training agreement)
- https://www.li.cmu.ac.th/
Sending Students to Study Abroad with Partner Universities
Study Abroad with Partner Universities
Study abroad is for approximately from one to two semesters. Students aim to acquire credits by attending classes in which local students enroll, as well as learning the language.
The credits earned in the partner universities can be authorized as our university’s credit after examination.
Short-Term Training Abroad
Short-term training abroad is a program so students can learn about language and culture at partner universities, by using the summer holiday and spring break.
Acceptance of International Students from Partner Universities
Study Abroad with Partner Universities
We accept female students who have had a recommendation from a partner university as exchange students for one year (two semesters) from April to March the next year. Students attend an undergraduate course at Fuji Women’s University and acquire credits. In addition to this, there is Japanese language class as an extra-curricular subject for international students to take.
Center for Exchange Programs
Center for Exchange Programs has the following responsibilities.
- Counseling of students studying abroad
- Support and advice to international students
- Mediation between Japanese students and international students
- Tasks related to agreements with foreign universities
- Carrying out study abroad experience reports, briefing sessions for short-term training
- Providing articles about study abroad for viewing and borrowing
- Issuing a study abroad handbook
Contact: cep@fujijoshi.ac.jp